- 10m Mode Cleaner (97.4-97.12)
Sidebands(15.25MHz) transmittion experiment was successfully
finished. Residual excess noise is smaller than 20mW shot noise.
- One Arm (97.8-98.4)
300m FP cavity was successfully locked. By using a
wave front sensing method, the cavity is very stable.
- Laser & Mode Cleaner (98.1-99.1)
3.5W output after Mode Cleaner has been realized! Transmittion
rate is 54%.
- Recombine
I (98.5-99.1)
Operation of Fabry-Perot Michelson Interferometer(FPMI)
succeeded(18 Sep.). Five hours' data was taken.
- Connection (99.2)
Laser, MC and FPMI were connected.
- Recombine II (99.3-00.8)
Operation of FPMI with 10W Laser succeeded using pre-modulation
method(22 May, 1999). Best sensitivity
is h = 5 x 10-21 /sqrt(Hz). This is
world record. (14 Aug,
167 hour data was taken in Data Taking 4(21 Aug. -4 Sep., 2000).
- Recombine III (00.9-01.10)
Active isolator was installed. Mirror suspensions and a matching
telescope were modified.
- Full-time Observation (01.8-01.9)
Total 1038 hours data was taken. Duty cycle
was 86.5%.
- Recycling (01.11-05.8)
Best sensitivity is h = 2 x 10-21 /sqrt(Hz). Data taking
7, 8, and 9 were held.
- Recycled Michelson Experiments (04.1-04.12)
In order to investigate the noise behavior, experiments were done using the
recycled Michelson interferometer without 300m arms.
- SAS (05.9-08.3)
The sensitivity was improved at the all frequency range due to the seismic
attenuation system (SAS).
- RSE (08.4-)
Now going.