Hierarchical search of gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries using TAMA300 data

Hideyuki Tagoshi, Takahiro Tanaka, Nobuyuki Kanda and TAMA group

We will present data analysis strategy for the detection of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries in inspiraling phase.  We also present preliminary results of data analysis using TAMA300 data which will be taken during September '99.

We use the matched filtering technique in order to detect inspiraling wave form. This method is equivalent to correlating the detector output with expected, theoretically calculated, wave forms, called templates. Since a wide range of parameters, such as masses of two stars, of the expected signal are possible,  a lot of these correlation must be computed in order to search for the parameter which exceed threshold. Thus, this method becomes computationally expensive. We use a two step, hierarchical search method in order to reduce the computation cost. In the first step of this method, we coarsely look for parameters which exceed a low threshold. In the next step, we finely look for parameters only around the parameters which exceed the first step threshold. In this way, the number of signal parameters are reduced considerably. However, in order to perform this method, careful decision must be done for first step threshold and parameter spacing. We will report some details of this method. We will also report preliminary results of data analysis using hierarchical search strategy for inspiraling wave forms.

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