Past schedules and reports

Already Finished (Report)

Apr. 14 (Tue)
    3PM -
        Practice of attaching magnets and standoffs on the Al mass
        (Ohishi, Yamamoto, Kawamura, Arai, Ando, Taniguchi)

Apr. 16 (Thu)
    10:30AM -
        Practice of installing the Al mirror in the suspension assembly
        (Arai, Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi)
    0:30PM -
        Meeting to discuss the suspension installation task @300m
        (Kawamura, Takahashi, Arai, Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi)

Apr. 17 (Fri)
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the REO end mirror
        Continuing practice of installing the Al mass in the suspension system
        (Kawamura, Ohishi, Yamamoto, Ando, Taniguchi, Arai)

Apr. 20 (Mon)
        Release of the end mirror, and assembly and installation of the north-south end suspension
        Preparation of the north-south front suspension
        (Arai (in charge), Ohishi, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)

Apr. 22 (Wed)
        Release of the end mirror, and assembly and installation of the
        north-south end suspension
        (Arai, (Takamori), Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)

Apr. 24 (Fri)
        Preparation of the suspension system
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the front mirror
        (Takamori, Ohishi, Ando, Taniguchi)

Apr. 28 (Tue)
    1PM -
        Release of the North-South Front mirror, and assembly and installation of the suspension
        (Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)

Apr. 28 (Tue) - May 7 (Thu)
        Modification of the fixture

May 6 (Wed)
        Removal of the East-West Front mirror suspension
        (Takahashi, Tochikubo, Taniguchi)

May 7 (Thu)
        Removal of the East-West End mirror suspension
        (Takahashi, Tochikubo, Taniguchi)

May 6 (Wed) or May 7 (Thu)
        Measurement of the East-West End stack motion

May 8 (Fri)
    10:30AM -
        Preparation of the East-West Front mirror suspension system
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the East-West Front mirror
         (Ando, Arai, Taniguchi)

May 11 (Mon)
    10:30AM -
        Release of the East-West Front mirror, and assembly and installation of the suspension
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the East-West End mirror
        (Arai, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)

May 13 (Wed)
    10:30AM -
        Preparation of the East-West End mirror suspension system
        (Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi)

May 14 (Thu)
    10:30AM -
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the East-West End mirror
        (Ando, Taniguchi)

May 18 (Mon)
    1PM -
        Release of the East-West End mirror, and assembly and installation of the suspension
        (Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)
        Assembly of the PO fixture, and attaching the magnets and standoffs on the PO1

May 20 (Wed)
    10:30AM -
        Assembly of the PO fixture, and attaching the magnets and standoffs on the aluminum PO dummy
        (Ohishi, Ando, Taniguchi)

May 22 (Fri)
    10:30AM -
        Preparation of the PO1 suspension system, and attaching the magnets and standoffs on the PO1
        (Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)
May 25 (Mon)
        Release of the PO1 from the jig for bonding the magnets and the stand-offs.

May 27 (Wed)
    10:30AM -
        Assembly and installation of the PO1 suspension
        (Takamori, Ando, Taniguchi, Takahashi)

June 17 (Wed)
        Assembly and preparation of the BS jig for bonding.

June 18 (Thu)
        Assembly of the PO2 suspension and BS suspension
        (Ando, Arai, Takamori, Taniguhchi)

June 19 (Fri)
        Attaching the magnets and standoffs on the Beam Splitter
        (Yamamoto, Taniguchi)

June 22 (Mon)
    10:30AM -
        Installation of the PO2 suspension
        (Ando, Arai, Takamori, Taniguchi, Yamamoto)

June 24 (Wed)
        *** LAST INSTALLATION ***
        Installation of the BS suspension
        (Ando, Takamori, Taniguchi)