TAMA300 Recombine3 Information
Since 2000/9/5, Updated 2001/10/17

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- TAMA Data Taking 6 successfully finished! (DT6 2001/8/1~2001/9/20)
The TAMA project, the Japanese effort for detecting gravitational waves
using the 300m laser interferometer,
has successfully taken more than1000 hours of data between August 1, 2001 and September 20, 2001.
The interferometer was remarkably stable during the observation period: it held lock for more than 20 hours
continuously several times, and the overall duty cycle was 86%. The observational functions of the detector
had been drastically improved for this data run: a newly-developed automatic
re-locking system of the whole
interferometer worked reliably, a newly-established quick look system helped us to find any unusual behavior
of the interferometer as well as the data taking system, and a newly-implemented
medium-speed data
acquisition system (64 channels) supplemented the existing high-speed and
low-speed data acquisition system
(100 channels) for recording important detector information.
The sensitivity of the detector had been improved around 100Hz by a factor
of 10 compared with the sensitivity
obtained in summer of 2000, resulting in a significant improvement of the sensitivity to chirps from heavier-mass
binary coalescence.
- Test Run 1 (2001/6/4~6/6)
- IFO operation through the day and night
- New record:Longest stretch of continuous lock 24hours 50min (weedkay)

>> Current detector configuration << [Return to Top]
- Optical configuration: Fabry-Perot-Michelson Interferometer with baseline length of 300m
- Light source: Injection-locked 10-W Nd:Yag Laser
- Mode cleaner: Triangular ring cavity with 10-m length
- Length control scheme: Common-differential-separated feedback control with
frontal modulation
- Alignment control scheme: RF wave-front sensing technique
- Drift control systems (digital): Control of dL- by an active isolator, optical axis control, beamsplitter
orientation control
- Simplified interferometer diagram (01/6/6 updated)
(Click for the larger GIF image)[EPS File] [CNV File] [PDF File]

>> Current Sensitivity of TAMA300 << [Return to Top]

>> Data Taking 6 (2001/8/1~2001/9/20) << [Return to Top]